QCB News
QCB Trainee Seminar
November 21, 2024
Join us tomorrow (Friday November 22nd) at the Microbiology student seminar series, Microphiles, from 12:40-1:40 in Simon Hall 001 for a talk by QCB Trainee Lauren Augusta from the Fuqua Lab! Lets show our support and learn more about her research with the crown gall causing bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
IU QCB Joins Bluesky
November 20, 2024
You can now follow us on Bluesky at @IUQCB for updates, insights, and community engagement all about QCB!
Laughlin Publication Highlighted in College of Arts + Sciences News
November 18, 2024
QCB trainee, Patrick Laughlin (Zlotnick group), was recently highlighted in IU’s College of Arts + Sciences News for his recent first-author paper in JBC. Patrick’s work has uncovered crucial details about how the COVID-19 virus’s nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) behaves inside infected cells. Congrats Patrick on this well-deserved recognition and we look forward to the continued impact of his research in the field of virology!
Celentano Publication
November 16, 2024
Zach Celentano, a second year Biochemistry PhD student in the van Kessel Lab, recently published a paper titled Quorum sensing in Vibrio controls carbon metabolism to optimize growth in changing environmental conditions in PLOS Biology. These findings provide valuable insights into the evolutionary advantages of quorum sensing, highlighting the role of QS in optimizing gene expression related to methionine and tetrahydrofolate synthesis. Congrats Zach on advancing our understanding of microbial ecology!
Richman Publication
November 11, 2024
Hunter Richman (Yu group) makes contributions to the field of nanomedicine as co-author on a preprint paper published in F1000 Research. The paper, titled Quantitative cytotoxicity analysis of antibacterial Janus nanoparticles in immune and cancer cells, explores the potential of amphiphilic Janus nanoparticles as a promising alternative to traditional antibiotics in combating multi-drug-resistant bacteria. Congrats Hunter!
Ramos Publication
October 1, 2024
Sashary Ramos is an author on Probing conformational dynamics of DNA binding by CO-sensing transcription factor, CooA, the paper will published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.
Kidner Publication
September 20, 2024
Ria Kidner was first author on Lipids from a snail host regulate the multicellular behavior of a predator of parasitic schistosomes published in iScience.
Laughlin Publication
August 11, 2024
Patrick Laughlin was first author on A narrow ratio of nucleic acid to SARS-CoV-2 N-protein enables phase separation, published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Erdmann Publication
July 22, 2024
Emily Erdmann was an author on ADBP-1 regulates ADR-2 nuclear localization to control editing substrate selection, a paper published in Nucleic Acids Research.
Erdmann Publication
July 19, 2024
Emily Erdmann was first author on ADR-2 regulates fertility and oocyte fate in C. elegans a paper published in the Genetics Journal.