QCB News

Erdmann Publication

July 19, 2024

Emily Erdmann was  first author on ADR-2 regulates fertility and oocyte fate in C. elegans a paper published in the Genetics Journal.

QCB Steering Committee Appointments

July 1, 2024

Effective today, the QCB Steering Committee is excited to announce the following two-year (7/1/2024–6/30/36) appointments to the QCB training program cohort.  They are:

Zach Celentano: second-year student, Biochemistry Ph.D. program, Julia Van Kessel’s laboratory
Jane Joncha: second-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (analytical), Stephen Jacobson’s laboratory
Emma Lamb: second year student, Biology program, Heather Hundley’s laboratory
Sandip Mishra: second-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (chemical biology), Jared Lewis’ laboratory

In addition, we announce continuations of the following appointments for the second year of a two-year appointment:

Lauren Augusta:  third-year student, Biology Ph.D. program (microbiology) Ph.D. program, Clay Fuqua’s laboratory
Vickie Lopez: fourth-year student, Neuroscience Ph.D. program, Dan Tracey’s laboratory
Emma McRae: third-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (chemical biology), David Giedroc’s laboratory

Join me in congratulating each of these students on this significant accomplishment!  These awards were made possible by a grant from the NIGMS (T32 GM131994-06) and matching funds provided by the College of arts and Sciences and all five participating Ph.D. feeder programs.

Jared Lewis named Associate Director of the QCB Training Program

May 15, 2024

I am pleased to welcome Jared Lewis as the new Associate Director of the QCB Training Program, who has replaced Mike VanNieuwenzhe in this role, effectively immediately. Please join me in welcoming Jared and wishing Mike well, as he takes on new challenges at Baylor University in Waco, TX.  Jared is a chemical and synthetic biologist interesting protein engineering, and has significant experience training graduate students at both University of Chicago and at IU. Welcome Jared!

The QCB training program has been renewed!

April 29, 2024

We’ve been renewed!!  The QCB training program has been recommended for funding for another five years of support (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029) under T32 GM131994-06 (-10) at a level six slots per year. This, coupled with the three IU-supported slots (two from the College and one from the UGS), will allow us to make ≈4-5 appointments per year. Congratulations to all!!

Selivanovitch Publication

March 20, 2024

Kate Selivanovitch was an author on Fabrication of Protein Macromolecular Frameworks (PMFs) and Their Application in Catalytic Materials, a paper published in the book Protein Cages, part of Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Protocols.

Perez Publication

March 20, 2024

Amilcar Perez was first author on Elongasome core proteins and class A PBP1a display zonal, processive movement at the midcell of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a paper published in bioRxiv.

Osterberg Publication

March 20, 2024

Maximillian Osterberg was first author on Coupling of zinc and GTP binding drives G-domain folding in Acinetobacter baumannii ZigAa paper published in the BioPhysical Journal.

Garrett and Osterberg Publication

March 20, 2024

Abigail Garrett and Maximillian Osterberg collaborated on The five homologous CiaR-controlled Ccn sRNAs of Streptococcus pneumoniae modulate Zn-resistancea paper published in bioRxiv.

Kidner Publication

March 20, 2024

Ria Kidner was first author on Host lipids regulate multicellular behavior of a predator of a human pathogen, a paper published in bioRxiv.