QCB News
Walsh Publication
August 25, 2020
Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was first author on H2S and reactive sulfur signaling at the host bacterial pathogen interface, a paper published in Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Button Publication
August 25, 2020
Julie Button (Tuli lab) was first author on Removing the Polyanionic Cargo Requirement for Assembly of Alphavirus Core-Like Particles to Make an Empty Alphavirus Core, a paper published in Viruses.
Walsh Publication
August 25, 2020
Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was first author on The Response of Acinetobacter baumannii to Hydrogen Sulfide Reveals Two Independent Persulfide-Sensing Systems and a Connection to Biofilm Regulation, a paper published in mBio.
Fadler Publication
August 25, 2020
Rachel Fadler (Flood lab) was author on Sequence-Defined Macrocycles for Understanding and Controlling the Build-up of Hierarchical Order in Self-Assembled 2D Arrays, a paper published in Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Fellowship Competition Announcement
May 13, 2020
The QCB TP Steering Committee is pleased to announce three (3) new fellowship appointments and four (4) reappointments for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year.
Three two-year NRSA fellowships were awarded to students Emily Erdmann (Hundley group), Ria Kidner (Gerdt group), and Brigham Pope (Jacobson group). Their photos and biographical information can be found on our Current Trainees page, or by clicking their names on this post!
Four additional trainees were re-appointed to their second year of support: Kristen Alanis (Baker group), Kelly Hartsough (Walczak group), Liam Scott (Dragnea group), and Yasmine Zubi (Lewis group).
Congratulations to all!
Best Prelim Award Recipient
May 8, 2020
Matthew Jordan, current QCB trainee and third-year Biochemistry Ph.D. student in the Giedroc laboratory, was just announced as winner of the Best Prelim Award for Academic Year 2020. Congratulations Matthew!
Alanis Publication
April 20, 2020
Kristen Alanis (Baker lab) was author on Imaging effects of hyperosmolality on individual tricellular junctions, a paper published in Chemical Science.
Roushar Publication
March 26, 2020
Frank Roushar (Schlebach lab) was author on Probing biophysical sequence constraints within the transmembrane domains of rhodopsin by deep mutational scanning, a paper published in Science Advances.
Walsh Publication
March 25, 2020
Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was second author on Structural determinants of persulfide-sensing specificity in a dithiol-based transcriptional regulator.
Jordan Publication
March 24, 2020
Matthew Jordan (Giedroc lab) was first author on Multi-metal nutrient restriction and crosstalk in metallostasis systems in microbial pathogens, a paper published in Current Opinion in Microbiology.