
2025 Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology and Inaugural Undergraduate Chemical Biology Symposium

March 24, 2025

Friday, April 11, 2025: Click here for more details. This symposium is being held in conjunction with the Watanabe Symposium the next day. IU Chemistry will host undergraduate researchers and their mentors for an afternoon of activities. These include four invited presentations from faculty at three PUIs and our own Ben Burlingham (formerly of the University of Mount Union in Ohio), a poster session, a facility and campus tour and pizza! 

Please encourage your graduate trainees to attend this new symposium all or in part, particularly those interested in an academic career at a predominantly undergraduate institution (PUI).  We hope that some fraction of the undergraduate students and their mentors will stay for Watanabe and learn more about our program in Chemical Biology here. IU undergraduates in QCB trainer labs are also welcome to put up posters!  There is no registration for this event.  Just come!

Saturday, April 12, 2025: see this page for details (this will continue to be updated). Please encourage members of your group to attend the talks and lunch and the poster session!  You must register for the symposium so that we have head count for lunch, and poster count estimate.  Click to register here (you may be prompted to restart your registration if you have previously registered). The QCB Ambassadors, Averi McFarland ( and Andrew Bach ( will again organize the lunchtime poster and poster awards session.  Reach out to Averi or Andrew with questions!

QCB fellowship competition opens

March 20, 2025

Despite all of the uncertainty at the NIH, we will again hold our annual QCB fellowship competition to be used to pay selected trainees effective July 1, 2025. We are projecting six slots from NIGMS (T32 GM131994) and three matching slots from the College of Arts and Sciences and University Graduate School.  This will allow us to make 3-5 awards, depending on the availability of funds and the mix of rising second- and third-year students that the QCB Steering Committee chooses to support.

We will accept applications from any PhD student in any QCB trainer lab.  Like last year, we will again appoint one or two international students with the remaining slots going to domestic students. NIGMS requires that their funds be used to pay domestic students (citizens or permanent residents). We particularly hope to receive applications from students from underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines.

New trainees will be supported by a stipend of $32,000 in 2025-2026 and $33,500 for 2026-2027.  Rising second- and third-year students are eligible to apply with two years of support awarded to rising second-year students, and one year to rising third-year students.

Our fellowship competition is set to close this year on Sunday, April 13, 2025 at midnight.  Please apply here.  Members of the cohort and lab liaisons, please spread the word!!!  We hope to host a robust competition again this year and make as many as four two-year awards.

QCB Trainee Seminar

March 12, 2025

Join us Friday (March 14th) at the Microbiology student seminar series, Microphiles, from 12:40-1:40 in Simon Hall 001 for a talk by QCB Trainee and Ambassador Averi McFarland from the Winkler Lab!  Lets show our support and learn more about her research: "Linking Peptidoglycan Elongation to Metabolism in Streptococcus pneumoniae."

Augusta Publication

March 01, 2025

Current QCB fellow Lauren Augusta (Fuqua lab) is a co-author on a new preprint available on bioRxiv, titled "Linear dicentric chromosomes in bacterial natural isolates reveal common constraints for replicon fusion." The paper specifically focuses on Agrobacterium tumefaciens and the phenomenon of chromosome fusion. The team identified two naturally occurring Agrobacterium isolates with fused chromosomes, providing valuable insights into the mechanisms and constraints that govern this process. Their work highlights the importance of balanced replication arm sizes and proper resolution systems for the survival of these unique strains. Congratulations Lauren on this work!

QCB Trainee Seminar

February 24, 2025

Join us tomorrow (Tuesday, February 25th) at the A800 Research Talks from 4-5PM in Chemistry Building CH033 for a talk by QCB Trainee Jane Joncha from the Jacobson Lab!  Show your support and learn more about her research: "Transposon Mutagenesis to Generate Constitutive Fluorescent Labels for Microscopy of B. subtilis."


First QCB Evening - Spring 2025

February 19, 2025

The first QCB Evening for the 2025 Spring semester will be on March 6th (Thursday) from 5:00-6:30PM in SI001. Our two speakers will be Victoria Lopez from the Tracey Lab and Renee Kinne from the Hollenhorst Lab. See our QCB evenings page for more information. Any student from a Trainer lab is welcome to attend!

Scott Publication

February 03, 2025

Liam Scott, a trainee in the Zlotnick lab, has co-authored an ACS Nano study, titled "Genetically Engineered Multichromophore Virus-Like Nanoparticles with Ultranarrow Distribution of Emission Intensity." The research, in collaboration with the Dragnea lab (another QCB trainee lab), demonstrates an approach to creating ultra-bright, uniform fluorescent nanoparticles using engineered viral capsid proteins. This work bridges virology, nanotechnology, and advanced imaging techniques, showcasing how viral assembly mechanisms can be repurposed for next-generation optical tools. Congratulations to Liam and the team on this contribution to nanotechnology and synthetic biology!
Figure 1

Bach Publication

January 29, 2025

Andrew Bach (Snaddon Lab), one of our current QCB ambassadors, has co-authored a paper published in Helvetica Chimica Acta. The team developed the first successful construction of quaternary-substituted stereogenic centers using a Lewis base-palladium cooperative catalysis scheme and demonstrated a novel approach to competing with direct deprotonation in chemical reactions. The paper has potential implications for synthesizing complex bioactive molecules and is an important step forward in asymmetric synthesis techniques. Congrats Andrew!

Garrett and Osterberg Publication

December 04, 2024

Two QCB trainees are coauthors on a new paper about how Streptococcus pneumoniae manages zinc toxicity. In the study published in PLOS Pathogens, the team with collaborators at University of Texas Health Science Center discovered that five small regulatory RNAs (Ccn sRNAs) play a crucial role in preventing zinc intoxication in S. pneumoniae. Dr. Abigail Garrett (Winkler lab) is a recently graduated QCB trainee in Microbiology and Maximillian K. Osterberg (Giedroc lab) is a fifth year QCB trainee in Chemistry. Their work helps illuminate how S. pneumoniae, a bacteria responsible for nearly 2 million deaths worldwide each year, oversees metal homeostasis.

Richman Publication

November 28, 2024

Hunter Richman, current QCB trainee, is a co-author on a new paper titled "Targeting the Weak Spot: Preferential Disruption of Bacterial Poles by Janus Nanoparticles" published in Nano Letters. The study, a collaboration between Ying Li's lab at UW-Madison and QCB training faculty Yan Yu, investigates the interactions between Janus nanoparticles and bacterial cell envelopes, revealing bacterial poles' curvature as a unique vulnerability to be targeted. Congrats Hunter on your contribution to the field of nanotechnology!

QCB Trainee Seminar

November 21, 2024

Join us tomorrow (Friday November 22nd)  at the Microbiology student seminar series, Microphiles, from 12:40-1:40 in Simon Hall 001 for a talk by QCB Trainee Lauren Augusta from the Fuqua Lab!  Lets show our support and learn more about her research with the crown gall causing bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

Lauren Augusta

IU QCB Joins Bluesky

November 20, 2024

You can now follow us on Bluesky at @IUQCB for updates, insights, and community engagement all about QCB!

Laughlin Publication Highlighted in College of Arts + Sciences News

November 18, 2024

QCB trainee, Patrick Laughlin (Zlotnick group), was recently highlighted in IU's College of Arts + Sciences News for his recent first-author paper in JBC. Patrick's work has uncovered crucial details about how the COVID-19 virus's nucleocapsid protein (N-protein) behaves inside infected cells. Congrats Patrick on this well-deserved recognition and we look forward to the continued impact of his research in the field of virology!

Celentano Publication

November 16, 2024

Zach Celentano, a second year Biochemistry PhD student in the van Kessel Lab, recently published a paper titled Quorum sensing in Vibrio controls carbon metabolism to optimize growth in changing environmental conditions in PLOS Biology. These findings provide valuable insights into the evolutionary advantages of quorum sensing, highlighting the role of QS in optimizing gene expression related to methionine and tetrahydrofolate synthesis. Congrats Zach on advancing our understanding of microbial ecology!

Richman Publication

November 11, 2024

Hunter Richman (Yu group) makes contributions to the field of nanomedicine as co-author on a preprint paper published in F1000 Research. The paper, titled Quantitative cytotoxicity analysis of antibacterial Janus nanoparticles in immune and cancer cells, explores the potential of amphiphilic Janus nanoparticles as a promising alternative to traditional antibiotics in combating multi-drug-resistant bacteria. Congrats Hunter!

Ramos Publication

October 01, 2024

Sashary Ramos is an author on Probing conformational dynamics of DNA binding by CO-sensing transcription factor, CooA, the paper will published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.

Kidner Publication

September 20, 2024

Ria Kidner was first author on Lipids from a snail host regulate the multicellular behavior of a predator of parasitic schistosomes published in iScience.

Laughlin Publication

August 11, 2024

Patrick Laughlin was first author on A narrow ratio of nucleic acid to SARS-CoV-2 N-protein enables phase separation, published in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Erdmann Publication

July 22, 2024

Emily Erdmann was an author on ADBP-1 regulates ADR-2 nuclear localization to control editing substrate selection, a paper published in Nucleic Acids Research.

Erdmann Publication

July 19, 2024

Emily Erdmann was  first author on ADR-2 regulates fertility and oocyte fate in C. elegans a paper published in the Genetics Journal.

Pope Publication

July 08, 2024

Brigham Pope was first author on Microscale Diffractive Lenses Integrated into Microfluidic Devices for Size-Selective Optical Trapping of Particles, a paper published in Analytical Chemistry.

QCB Steering Committee Appointments

July 01, 2024

Effective today, the QCB Steering Committee is excited to announce the following two-year (7/1/2024–6/30/36) appointments to the QCB training program cohort.  They are:

Zach Celentano: second-year student, Biochemistry Ph.D. program, Julia Van Kessel’s laboratory
Jane Joncha: second-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (analytical), Stephen Jacobson’s laboratory
Emma Lamb: second year student, Biology program, Heather Hundley’s laboratory
Sandip Mishra: second-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (chemical biology), Jared Lewis’ laboratory

In addition, we announce continuations of the following appointments for the second year of a two-year appointment:

Lauren Augusta:  third-year student, Biology Ph.D. program (microbiology) Ph.D. program, Clay Fuqua’s laboratory
Vickie Lopez: fourth-year student, Neuroscience Ph.D. program, Dan Tracey’s laboratory
Emma McRae: third-year student, Chemistry Ph.D. program (chemical biology), David Giedroc’s laboratory

Join me in congratulating each of these students on this significant accomplishment!  These awards were made possible by a grant from the NIGMS (T32 GM131994-06) and matching funds provided by the College of arts and Sciences and all five participating Ph.D. feeder programs.

Schlicksup Publication

May 24, 2024

Christopher Schlicksup is an author on Guanidine Hydrochloride-Induced Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Disassembly Hysteresis, a paper published in Biochemistry.

Jared Lewis named Associate Director of the QCB Training Program

May 15, 2024

I am pleased to welcome Jared Lewis as the new Associate Director of the QCB Training Program, who has replaced Mike VanNieuwenzhe in this role, effectively immediately. Please join me in welcoming Jared and wishing Mike well, as he takes on new challenges at Baylor University in Waco, TX.  Jared is a chemical and synthetic biologist interesting protein engineering, and has significant experience training graduate students at both University of Chicago and at IU. Welcome Jared!

Kidner Publication

May 14, 2024

Ria Kidner was first author on Exogenous lipid vesicles induce endocytosis-mediated cellular aggregation in a close unicellular relative of animals, a preprint published in bioRxiv.

The QCB training program has been renewed!

April 29, 2024

We’ve been renewed!!  The QCB training program has been recommended for funding for another five years of support (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029) under T32 GM131994-06 (-10) at a level six slots per year. This, coupled with the three IU-supported slots (two from the College and one from the UGS), will allow us to make ≈4-5 appointments per year. Congratulations to all!!

Selivanovitch Publication

March 20, 2024

Kate Selivanovitch was an author on Fabrication of Protein Macromolecular Frameworks (PMFs) and Their Application in Catalytic Materials, a paper published in the book Protein Cages, part of Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Protocols.

Perez Publication

March 20, 2024

Amilcar Perez was first author on Elongasome core proteins and class A PBP1a display zonal, processive movement at the midcell of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a paper published in bioRxiv.

Perez and Rued Publication

March 20, 2024

Amilcar Perez and Britta Rued collaborated on Negative regulation of MurZ and MurA underlies the essentiality of GpsB- and StkP-mediated protein phosphorylation in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39, a paper published in Molecular Microbiology.

Osterberg Publication

March 20, 2024

Maximillian Osterberg was first author on Coupling of zinc and GTP binding drives G-domain folding in Acinetobacter baumannii ZigAa paper published in the BioPhysical Journal.

Garrett and Osterberg Publication

March 20, 2024

Abigail Garrett and Maximillian Osterberg collaborated on The five homologous CiaR-controlled Ccn sRNAs of Streptococcus pneumoniae modulate Zn-resistancea paper published in bioRxiv.

Kidner Publication

March 20, 2024

Ria Kidner was first author on Host lipids regulate multicellular behavior of a predator of a human pathogen, a paper published in bioRxiv.

Klapper Publication

March 20, 2024

Lily Klapper was an author on Structural Characterization of 5-Substituted Pyrrolo[3,2-d]pyrimidine Antifolate Inhibitors in Complex with Human Serine Hydroxymethyl Transferase 2a paper published in the ACS Journal of Biochemistry.

Gudorf Publication

March 14, 2024

Jessie Gudorf was an author on Structure–Activity Relationship Study of Cannabidiol-Based Analogs as Negative Allosteric Modulators of the μ-Opioid Receptora paper published in the ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

Kern Publication

January 26, 2024

Mallory Kern was an author on Efficient platform for synthesizing comprehensive heparan sulfate oligosaccharide libraries for decoding glycosaminoglycan-protein interactions, a paper published in Nature Chemistry.

Schlicksup Publication

September 01, 2023

Christopher Schlicksup was an author on Structure of the Hepatitis B virus capsid quasi-6-fold with a trapped C-terminal domain reveals capsid movements associated with domain exit, a paper published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Perez and Rued Publication

August 25, 2023

Amilcar Perez and Britta Rued collaborated on, Negative regulation of MurZ and MurA underlies the essentiality of GpsB- and StkP-mediated protein phosphorylation in Streptococcus pneumoniae D39a paper published in Molecular Microbiology.

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Alanis Publication

August 25, 2023

Kristen Alanis was first author on, Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy of Nafion-Modified Nanopores, a paper published in the Journal of Electrochemical Society.

Holmes Publication

August 25, 2023

J.B. Holmes was first author on, Mapping complex profiles of light intensity with interferometric lithography, a paper published in Nanoscale Advances.

Fadler Publication

August 25, 2023

Rachel Fadler was an author on, Steric Control over the Threading of  Pyrophosphonates with One or Two Cyanostar Macrocycles during Pseudorotaxane Formation, a paper published in Chemistry (Europe).

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Selivanovitch Publication

August 25, 2023

Ekaterina Selivanovitch was second author on, Enhancing Multistep Reactions: Biomimetic Design of Substrate Channeling Using P22 Virus-Like Particles, a paper published in Advanced Science. 

Giedroc and Thiegles Collaboration

August 25, 2023

New trainee Emma McRae was an author on, The structure of plastocyanin tunes the midpoint potential by restricting axial ligation of the reduced copper ion, a paper published in Communication Chemistry as part of a collaboration between QCB co-director Dr. Giedroc and the Thiegles Group.

Roushar Publication

August 25, 2023

Frank Roushar was an author on, General trends in the effects of VX-661 and VX-445 on the plasma membrane expression of clinical CFTR variants, a paper published in Cell Chemical Biology.

Nyman Publication

May 11, 2023

Morgan Nyman was an author on, Multitargeted 6-Substituted Thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines as Folate Receptor-Selective Anticancer Agents that Inhibit Cytosolic and Mitochondrial One-Carbon Metabolism, a paper published in ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science

Fadler Publication

May 08, 2023

Rachel Fadler is second author on, Orthogonal, modular anion–cation and cation–anion self-assembly using pre-programmed anion binding sitesa paper published in Chemical Science

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Roushar and Tedman Publication

May 03, 2023

Frank Roushar and Austin Tedman collaborated on Ribosomal Frameshifting Selectively Modulates the Biosynthesis, Assembly, and Function of a Misfolded CFTR Variant, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

New Trainee Appointments

May 01, 2023

We are pleased to announce the appointment of five new QCB fellows to the QCB trainee cohort!

They are two rising second-year students, Lauren Augusta (Microbiology, Fuqua lab) and Emma McRae (Chemistry, Giedroc lab) to two-year appointments, and rising third-year students Andrew Bach (Chemistry, Snaddon lab), Vicky Lopez (Neuroscience, Tracey lab) and Cayla Rose (Chemistry, Dann lab) to one-year fellowship appointments.  Allan Gramillo (Microbiology, Fuqua lab) and Hunter Richman (Chemistry,Yu lab) continue as fellows into their second year of support.

Congratulations to all!


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Elliott Publication

April 25, 2023

Andrew Elliott was an author on WAVE-DAMPENED2-LIKE4 modulates the hyper-elongation of light-grown hypocotyl cells, a paper published in Plant Physiology.

2023 Watanabe Symposium

March 13, 2023

We are happy to announce the final slate of speakers for the 2023 Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology to be held on September, 30, 2023!  Check back here for more information.

Walsh Publications

March 02, 2023

Brenna Walsh is first author on, Metabolic and Structural Insights into Hydrogen Sulfide Mis-Regulation in Enterococcus faecalis, a paper published in Antioxidants. Brenna was also an author on, Discovery and structure of a widespread bacterial ABC transporter specific for ergothioneine, a paper published in Nature Communications.

Jordan Publication

March 02, 2023

Matthew Jordan is first author on, Metal retention and replacement in QueD2 protect queuosine-tRNA biosynthesis in metal-starved Acinetobacter baumannii, a paper published in PNAS.

Zubi & Roof Publication

December 05, 2022

Yasmine Zubi and Caitlin Roof are authors on, The Single-Component Flavin Reductase/Flavin-Dependent Halogenase AetF is a Versatile Catalyst for Selective Bromination and Iodination of Arenes and Olefins, a paper published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Erdmann F31 Award

October 26, 2022

We want to give a big congratulations to trainee Emily Erdmann as she was just awarded an F31 grant from the NIH.

Please read more about Emily's award here.


Watanabe Symposium Poster Winners

September 22, 2022

This year's Watanabe symposium was a great success! Congratulations again to the poster award winners.

Selivanovitch Publication

August 25, 2022

Ekaterina Selivanovitch is second author on, Electromechanical Photophysics of GFP Packed Inside Viral Protein Cages Probed by Force-Fluorescence Hybrid Single-Molecule Microscopy, a paper published in Small

2022 Watanabe Symposium

August 25, 2022

We are happy to announce the speakers and information for the 2022 Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology!

Click here to view info flyer


Brown Publication

August 16, 2022

Brooke Brown was first author on, Analysis of Keratinocytic Exosomes from Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mice by Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry, a paper published in Analytical Chemistry

Holmes Publication

July 19, 2022

Joseph Holmes was first author on, Ultrafast Collective Excited-State Dynamics of a Virus-Supported Fluorophore Antenna, a paper published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Roushar Publication

July 19, 2022

Frank Roushar was an author on, Chromenone derivatives as novel pharmacological chaperones for retinitis pigmentosa-linked rod opsin mutants, a paper published in Human Molecular Genetics

Jordan Publication

July 19, 2022

Matthew Jordan was an author on, Zn-regulated GTPase metalloprotein activator 1 modulates vertebrate zinc homeostasis, a paper published in Cell

First Annual QCB Training Program Retreat

June 24, 2022

We are delighted to announce that our QCB trainee cohort will be hosting our first annual program retreat to be held Friday-Saturday, Aug 12-13 in Dimension Mill in Bloomington.  The schedule of events is nearly finalized; check here for updates!

2022 Trainee Announcement

June 07, 2022

We'd like to welcome our new QCB trainees for this year: Allan Gramillo, Caitlin Roof, Hunter Richman, and Austin Tedman.

Congratulations to all and we are so happy to have you!

2022 Ambassador Announcment

June 07, 2022

Congratulations to our new QCB ambassadors - Ria Kidner and Brigham Pope!

And thank you to our previous ambassadors, Jessie and Abigail, for all their hard work this past year.

Trainee Defenses

May 06, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Materials Seminar, 2:30 PM, CH033

Rachel Fadler, Exit Exam, Chemistry

“Rigidity and Flexibility in Cyanostar and Organophosphate Assemblies”

Hosted by Amar Flood

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Organic Seminar, 1:00 PM, CH033

Mallory Kern, Exit Exam, Chemistry

“Automated Solution-Phase Synthesis of Thioglycoside Analogues

and Efforts Toward Convergent Synthesis of Xyloglucan Fragments”

Hosted by Nikki Pohl

2022 Ambassador Elections

May 06, 2022

We are currently holding QCB ambassador elections view candidates here.

Please vote here by Friday, May 13th.

Fadler Publication

April 18, 2022

Rachel Fadler was first author on, Rigidity and Flexibility in Rotaxanes and Their Relatives; On Being Stubborn and Easy-Going, a paper published in Frontiers in Chemistry

Selivanovitch Publications

April 18, 2022

Ekaterina Selivanovitch was first author on, Substrate Partitioning into Protein Macromolecular Frameworks for Enhanced Catalytic Turnover, a paper published in ACS Nano

Ekaterina was also third author on, Controlled Modular Multivalent Presentation of the CD40 Ligand on P22 Virus-like Particles Leads to Tunable Amplification of CD40 Signalinga paper published in ACS Applied Bio Materials.

Zubi Publications

March 23, 2022

Yasmine Zubi was first author on, Controlling the optical and catalytic properties of artificial metalloenzyme photocatalysts using chemogenetic engineering, a paper published in Chemical Science.

Yasmine was also fifth author on, Controlling Non-Native Cobalamin Reactivity and Catalysis in the Transcription Factor CarH, a paper published in ACS Catalysis.

Erdmann Publication

March 23, 2022

Emily Erdmann was first author on, Caenorhabditis elegans expressing a Vitellogenin::GFP fusion protein show reduced embryo content and brood size, a paper published in microPublication Biology.

2022 Retreat

March 23, 2022

First annual retreat!

Dates: August 11-12th (Friday into Saturday)

Location: Dimension Mill - Bloomington, IN

More information to come.

Button Publication

March 23, 2022

Alumni Julia Button was first author on, Capsid-E2 Interactions Rescue Core Assembly in Viruses That Cannot Form Cytoplasmic Nucleocapsid Cores, a paper published in the Journal of Virology.

Off-campus Internship Experience

March 23, 2022

New for 2022!!  QCB trainees in their second year of fellowship support and post-Ph.D. candidacy will be eligible to complete a 4-6 week non-paid internship at a partner organization (academic, industrial or government lab) prior to June 30 of their third year.  The list of partner organizations continues to grow, so please check back for more information!

Selivanovitch Publication

June 21, 2021

Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas lab) was second author on Polymer Coatings on Virus-like Particle Nanoreactors at Low Ionic Strength—Charge Reversal and Substrate Access, a paper published in Biomacromolecules.

Alanis Publication

June 21, 2021

Kristen Alanis (Baker lab) was author on Imaging with Ion Channels, a paper published in Analytical Chemistry.

Walsh Publication

June 21, 2021

Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was first author on Proteomics Profiling of S-sulfurated Proteins in Acinetobacter baumannii, a paper published in Bio-protocol.

Selivanovitch Publication

June 21, 2021

Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas lab) was first author on Molecular exclusion limits for diffusion across a porous capsid, a paper published in Nature Communications.

Ramos Publication

April 30, 2021

Sashary Ramos (Thielges lab) was first author on Dynamics underlying hydroxylation selectivity of cytochrome P450cam, a paper published in Biophysical Journal.

Spring QCB Evening, April 5, 2021

March 31, 2021

Join us for the Spring QCB Evening on Monday, April 5th from 5:00-6:00pm on Zoom.

Allison Adkins, career coach from the Walter Center will be giving a workshop on how to create resumés and CVs. We will then use these insights to evaluate resumes and CVs from our department.

Please find more details, including the Zoom ID, here.

Fadler Publication

March 29, 2021

Rachel Fadler (Flood lab) was first author on Chain Entropy Beats Hydrogen Bonds to Unfold and Thread Dialcohol Phosphates inside Cyanostar Macrocycles To Form [3]Pseudorotaxanes, a paper published in The Journal of Organic Chemistry.

Brown Publication

March 29, 2021

Brooke Brown (Clemmer lab) was second author on Exosome-Mediated Crosstalk between Keratinocytes and Macrophages in Cutaneous Wound Healing, a paper published in ACS Nano.

Schlicksup Publications

March 15, 2021

Christopher Schlicksup (Zlotnick lab) was first author on Viral structural proteins as targets for antivirals, a paper published in Current Opinion in Virology; and Local Stabilization of Subunit–Subunit Contacts Causes Global Destabilization of Hepatitis B Virus Capsids, a paper published in ACS Chemical Biology.

He was also second author on Rapidly Forming Early Intermediate Structures Dictate the Pathway of Capsid Assembly, a paper published in Journal of the American Chemical Society.


Visit With Dr. Eranthie Weerapana

February 04, 2021

Please join us for Dr. Eranthie Weerapana's virtual visit and seminar, hosted by Professor Giedroc, on Friday, February 12.
She is an associate professor of chemistry at Boston College, and her talk is titled "Chemical-proteomic strategies to investigate reactive cysteines."

The seminar is set to take place at 2:30 p.m. Following her seminar, at 3:30 p.m., all QCB trainees and any others who may be interested are invited to visit with Dr. Weerapana.

Please find the Zoom link for both the seminar and afterwards here.

Student Invited Speaker: Heather Maynard, Ph.D.

January 22, 2021

Please join us for a seminar with Dr. Heather Maynard from University of California, Los Angeles on February 9, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. on Zoom. A student Q&A portion will follow at 3:30 p.m.

Every year, our QCB trainee cohort selects, organizes and hosts two outside speakers per year (one Fall, one Spring) for the QCB seminar series.

Heather Maynard, Ph.D.
Dr. Myung Ki Hong Professor in Polymer Science
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Bioengineering
Director, Chemistry Biology Interface Training Program
Associate Director, California NanoSystems Institute
University of California, Los Angeles

View Abstract

Spring QCB Evening, February 1, 2021

January 22, 2021

Join us for the Spring QCB Evening on Monday, February 1st from 5:00-7:00pm on Zoom.

Lily Klapper (VanNieuwenhze Group) will give her talk, “Utilizing Macrocyclic
Depsipeptides to Combat Antibiotic Resistance,”

and Brady Strittmatter, (Hollenhorst Group) will give his talk, “Ras/ERK and PI3K/AKT signaling differentially regulate oncogenic ERG mediated transcription in prostate cells.”

Please find more details, including the Zoom ID, here.

Erdmann Publication

January 19, 2021

Emily Erdmann (Hundley lab) was first author on To protect and modify double-stranded RNA - the critical roles of ADARs in development, immunity and oncogenesis, a paper published in Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

6th Annual IU Chemistry Career Development Symposium

January 04, 2021

Please join us for the 6th Annual IU Chemistry Career Development Symposium, which will be held virtually on January 11, 2021.

This year's symposium will feature Dr. Kimberly McCoy as a keynote speaker. She is an IU alumna and current freelance science writer and a number of company representatives from BMS, Eli Lily, Waters, and St. Jude's!

Register Here!

For more details, please visit the IU CDS website, and email with any event questions.

The IU CDS aims to provide our chemistry graduate students and post-docs with insights into available career paths as well as opportunities to establish contacts with potential employers. This graduate student led event will facilitate dialogue between successful professional, potential employers, and students to generate excitement and alleviate confusion in the search for a path after graduate school.

Walsh Publication

December 17, 2020

Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was second author on Structural basis for persulfide-sensing specificity in a transcriptional regulator, a paper published in Nature Chemical Biology.

Perez Publication

December 17, 2020

Dr. Amilcar J. Perez (Winkler lab) was first author on Organization of Peptidoglycan Synthesis in Nodes and Separate Rings at Different Stages of Cell Division of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a paper published in Molecular Microbiology.

Fall QCB Evening; November 9, 2020

November 06, 2020

Join us for the Fall QCB Evening on Monday, November 9th from 5:00-7:00pm on Zoom.

There will be a LinkedIn Workshop presented by Jenna Laramie, Senior Career Coach and Allison Adkins, Career Coach from the Walter Center for Career Achievement.
JB Holmes (Dragnea Group) will give his talk, "Coherent Bio-inspired Materials."

Please find more details, here, and please contact Rachel Fadler ( for the Zoom link.

Fall QCB Evening, October 5, 2020

October 02, 2020

Join us for the Fall QCB Evening on Monday, October 5th from 5:30-7:00pm on Zoom.

Jessie Gudolf (VanNieuwenhze Group) will give her talk, "Synthesis and Evaluation of Cannabidiol Analogs as a Treatment for Synthetic Opioid Toxicity,"
and Ria Kidner (Gerdt Group) will give her talk, "Uncovering Molecular Cues That Drive a Unique Symbiotic Relationship Between Biomphalaria glabrata and Capsaspora owczarzaki: A Potential Agent Against Schistosomiasis."

Please find more details, including the Zoom ID, here.

Button Publication

August 25, 2020

Julie Button (Tuli lab) was first author on Revisiting an old friend: new findings in alphavirus structure and assembly, a paper published in Current Opinion in Virology.

Walsh Publication

August 25, 2020

Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was first author on H2S and reactive sulfur signaling at the host bacterial pathogen interface, a paper published in Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Button Publication

August 25, 2020

Julie Button (Tuli lab) was first author on Removing the Polyanionic Cargo Requirement for Assembly of Alphavirus Core-Like Particles to Make an Empty Alphavirus Core, a paper published in Viruses.

Fadler Publication

August 25, 2020

Rachel Fadler (Flood lab) was author on Sequence-Defined Macrocycles for Understanding and Controlling the Build-up of Hierarchical Order in Self-Assembled 2D Arrays, a paper published in Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Fellowship Competition Announcement

May 13, 2020

The QCB TP Steering Committee is pleased to announce three (3) new fellowship appointments and four (4) reappointments for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year.

Three two-year NRSA fellowships were awarded to students Emily Erdmann (Hundley group), Ria Kidner (Gerdt group), and Brigham Pope (Jacobson group). Their photos and biographical information can be found on our Current Trainees page, or by clicking their names on this post!

Four additional trainees were re-appointed to their second year of support: Kristen Alanis (Baker group), Kelly Hartsough (Walczak group), Liam Scott (Dragnea group), and Yasmine Zubi (Lewis group).

Congratulations to all!

Best Prelim Award Recipient

May 08, 2020

Matthew Jordan, current QCB trainee and third-year Biochemistry Ph.D. student in the Giedroc laboratory, was just announced as winner of the Best Prelim Award for Academic Year 2020. Congratulations Matthew!

Alanis Publication

April 20, 2020

Kristen Alanis (Baker lab) was author on Imaging effects of hyperosmolality on individual tricellular junctions, a paper published in Chemical Science.

Roushar Publication

March 26, 2020

Frank Roushar (Schlebach lab) was author on Probing biophysical sequence constraints within the transmembrane domains of rhodopsin by deep mutational scanning, a paper published in Science Advances.

Jordan Publication

March 24, 2020

Matthew Jordan (Giedroc lab) was first author on Multi-metal nutrient restriction and crosstalk in metallostasis systems in microbial pathogens, a paper published in Current Opinion in Microbiology.

Selivanovitch Publication

January 30, 2020

Ekaterina Selivanovitch (Douglas lab) was author on Virus-like particle size and molecular weight/mass determination applying gas-phase electrophoresis (native nES GEMMA), a paper published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.

Brown Publication

January 30, 2020

Brooke Brown (Clemmer lab) was first author on Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Exosomes and other Extracellular Particles Enriched from Bovine Milk, a paper published in Analytical Chemistry.

Hartsough Publication

November 12, 2019

Kelly Hartsough (Walczak lab) was first author on Cell Division: Tailoring a Swiftly Scaling Spindle, a paper published in Current Biology.

Fall QCB Evening, November 4, 2019

October 30, 2019

Join us for the Fall QCB Evening on Monday, November 4th from 5:00-7:00pm in Chemistry C001. Sara Bretz, Career Coach for Natural and Mathematical Sciences for the Walter Center for Career Achievement, will be hosting a Resume Workshop for all interested. A resume is not required to participate in the workshop. Following the workshop, Rachel Fadler will present her talk, "Novel Strategies to Regulate Phosphodiester Recognition Using Small-molecule Models".

Food and beverages will be served.

The 10th Annual Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology

October 15, 2019

The Watanabe Symposium honors the late August “Gus” Watanabe, a renowned physician, researcher and professor who led research and development at Eli Lilly and Company for nearly a decade, and who was a pioneer in the study of the cellular mechanics of the heart. IN 1994, Watanabe assumed the role as President of Lilly Research Laboratories and is responsible for launching eleven new and pivotal pharmaceutical products.

2019 Event Brochure

2019 Agenda

Invited speakers this year:

R. Graham Cooks, Purdue University
Jirong Lu, BioTechnology Discovery Research; Eli Lilly and Company
Tom Muir, Princeton University
Jackie Papkoff, Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer – Microbiome; Assembly Biosciences
Michael Sofia, Chief Scientific Officer; Arbutus Biopharma

More Info

Fall QCB Evening, October 7, 2019

September 30, 2019

Join us for the Fall QCB Evening on Monday, October 7th from 5:30-7:00pm in Chemistry C001. Chelsea Rintelmann (Pohl Group) will give her talk, "Polydivergent library-oriented chemical synthesis of high-mannose N-glycans", and Brian Fisher (Lewis Group) will give his talk, "From helical foldamers to genome-minded halogenase biocatalysts".

Food and beverages will be served.

Ratvasky Publication

September 09, 2019

Stephen Ratvasky (Zaleski lab) was second author on Anion Control of Lanthanoenediyne Cyclization, a paper published in Inorganic Chemistry.

IU Career Development Symposium August 5-6th

July 12, 2019

Please join us for the 5th Annual Career Development Symposium.

The IU CDS aims to provide our chemistry graduate students and post-docs with insights into available career paths as well as opportunities to establish contacts with potential employers. This graduate student led event will facilitate dialogue between successful professional, potential employers, and students to generate excitement and alleviate confusion in the search for a path after graduate school.

Register Here!

NIGMS Support and Fellowship Competition Announcements

June 25, 2019

Our training program has been awarded new financial support by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) for five years, July 1, 2019- June 30, 2024. Generous matching support by the College of Arts and Sciences and the University Graduate School at Indiana University has been provided as well.

Also, the QCB TP Steering Committee is pleased to announce five (5) new fellowship appointments and four (4) reappointments for the upcoming 2019-2020 academic year.

Four two-year NRSA fellowships were awarded to upcoming second year students, Kristen Alanis (Baker group), Kelly Hartsough (Walczak group), Liam Scott (Dragnea group), and Yasmine Zubi (Lewis group).  One one-year fellowship awards were made to rising third-year student Abigail Garrett (Winkler group). Their photos and biographical information are forthcoming!  Check back to our Current Trainees page!

Four additional trainees were re-appointed to their second year of support: Brooke Brown (Clemmer group), Rachel Fadler (Flood group), Lily Klapper (VanNieuwenhze group), and Matthew Jordan (Giedroc group).

Congratulations to all!

Jordan Publication

June 17, 2019

Matthew Jordan (Giedroc lab) was first author on Mechanistic Insights into the Metal-Dependent Activation of ZnII-Dependent Metallochaperones, a paper published in Inorganic Chemistry.

Marcyk Publication

May 24, 2019

Paul Marcyk (Cook lab) was first author on Iron-Catalyzed Hydroamination and Hydroetherification of Unactivated Alkenes, a paper published in Organic Letters.

Ramos Publication

May 07, 2019

Sashary Ramos (Thielges Lab)was first author on Site-Specific 1D and 2D IR Spectroscopy to Characterize the Conformations and Dynamics of Protein Molecular Recognition, a paper published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

Perez Publication

April 25, 2019

Amilcar Perez (Winkler Lab) was first author on Movement dynamics of divisome proteins and PBP2x:FtsW in cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Selivanovitch Publication

April 05, 2019

Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas Lab) was first author on Chemically Induced Morphogenesis of P22 Virus-like Particles by the Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, a paper published in Biomacromolecules.

Spring QCB Evening, Monday April 1st

March 21, 2019

Join us for the Spring QCB Evening on Monday, April 1st from 5:30-7:00pm in Chemistry C033. The QCB Ambassadors will host a panel covering the ins and outs of the QCB Fellowship program, career timeline planning, grant writing, networking, and other campus resources to help STEM graduate students begin building their careers.

Rued Publication

March 12, 2019

Britta Rued (QCB alumna) was first author on Structure of the Large Extracellular Loop of FtsX and Its Interaction with the Essential Peptidoglycan Hydrolase PcsB in Streptococcus pneumoniae a paper published in mBio January 2019.

Ramos and Horness Publication

February 07, 2019

Sashary Ramos and Rachel Horness (Thielges Lab) were first and second authors, respectively, on Site-specific 2D IR spectroscopy: a general approach for the characterization of protein dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution, a paper published in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

Marcyk Publication

February 04, 2019

Paul Marcyk (Cook lab) was first author on Stereoinversion of Unactivated Alcohols by Tethered Sulfonamides, a paper published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Selivanovitch Publication

January 18, 2019

Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas Lab) was second author on Cargo Retention inside P22 Virus-Like Particles, a paper published in Biomacromolecules.

Ramos Publication

December 17, 2018

Sashary Ramos (Thielges Lab) was first author on Conformational Change Induced by Putidaredoxin Binding to Ferrous CO-ligated Cytochrome P450cam Characterized by 2D IR Spectroscopy, a paper published in Frontier in Molecular Biosciences.

Spring Travel Awards

December 05, 2018

Congratulations to Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) for receiving two travel awards! She received the Provost's Travel Award for Women in Science and the Fall College of Arts and Science Travel Award to attend a Gordon Research Conference and Seminar in January.

2018 Women in Science Conference

November 06, 2018

Congratulations to Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas lab) on receiving a first place Oral Presentation Award at the 2018 Women in Science Conference held at Notre Dame University. Kate also received a travel grant to attend and share her work at the conference.

Last QCB Evening of the Fall 2018 Semester

November 02, 2018

Join us for another QCB Evening on Monday, November 5th from 5:30-7:00 pm in Chemistry C033. Talks will be given by current QCB Trainees, Paul Marcyk (Cook lab) and Jhavni Sharma (Douglas lab). Pizza and beverages will be provided.

Click here to view abstracts

9th Annual August M. Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology: Virology and Antivirals

October 03, 2018

We would like to invite you to the 9th Annual August M. Watanabe Symposium in Chemical Biology: Virology and Antivirals.

The Watanabe Symposium will be held on the campus of Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, in the Department of Chemistry on Saturday, October 20, 2018. This year the emphasis will be on virology and antivirals. A light breakfast will be available starting at 8 am and the first presentation begin at 8:50. Talks and posters continue through the day to 5:00 pm. There is a wonderful list of speakers, so we encourage you to join us. You can follow the link below to register for the event. Priority will be given to QCB Trainer Labs for Poster Session.

Invited speakers this year:
Paul Ahlquist, University of Wisconsin, Madison, HHMI
Steve Harrison, Harvard Medical School, HHMI
Priscilla Yang, Harvard Medical School
Z. Hong Zhou, UCLA

Agenda and speaker bios: 2018 Watanabe Symposium Program

The Watanabe Symposium honors the late August “Gus” Watanabe, a renowned physician, researcher and professor who led research and development at Eli Lilly and Company for nearly a decade, and who was a pioneer in the study of the cellular mechanics of the heart. IN 1994, Watanabe assumed the role as President of Lilly Research Laboratories and is responsible for launching eleven new and pivotal pharmaceutical products.

First QCB Evening of Fall 2018

September 25, 2018

Join us for the first QCB Evening of the Fall 2018 semester on Monday, October 1st from 5:30-7:00pm in Chemistry C033. Talks will be given by current QCB Trainees, Mallory Kern (Pohl lab) and Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab).

Click here to view abstracts

QCB TP Steering Committee Announces Six New Appointments and More

July 15, 2018

The QCB TP Steering Committee is pleased to announce six (6) new fellowship appointments and three (3) reappointments for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year.

Three two-year NRSA fellowships were awarded to upcoming second year students, Brooke Brown (Clemmer group), Rachel Fadler (Flood group), and Lily Klapper (VanNieuwenhze group).  Three one-year fellowship awards were made to rising third-year students Mallory Kern (Pohl group) and Kate Selivanovitch (Douglas group) and an upcoming second-year student Matthew Jordan (Giedroc group). Their photos and biographical information are forthcoming!  Check back to our Current Trainees page!

Three additional trainees were re-appointed to their second year of support: Steven Ratvasksy (Zaleski group), Frank Roushar (Schlebach group) and Brenna Walsh (Giedroc group).

Congratulations to all!

QCB trainee JB Holmes was highlighted in a commentary published in Nature

June 01, 2018

QCB trainee JB Holmes (Dragnea group) was highlighted in a commentary published in Nature on the American Physical Society’s innovative Bridge Program, which seeks to diversify the Physics academic community.  Congratulations JB!

Rued Publication

June 01, 2018

Britta Rued (Winkler/Giedroc labs) was second author on The Opp (AmiACDEF) Oligopeptide Transporter Mediates Resistance of Serotype 2 Streptococcus pneumoniae D39 to Killing by Chemokine CXCL10 and Other Antimicrobial Peptides, a paper published in the Journal of Bacteriology May 2018.

William G. Roessler Microbiology Scholarship

May 27, 2018

Britta Rued poses with fellow lab members from Macolm Winkler's laboratory during IU Biology's 2018 Student Awards Ceremony. From left: Jesús Bazán, Britta, Madeline Danforth, Tiffany Tsui, and Carly Berg. Photo by Sandee Milhouse

Congratulations to Britta Rued (Winkler/Giedroc labs) for being named a 2018 William G. Roessler Microbiology Scholar!

Walsh Publication

May 22, 2018

Brenna Walsh (Giedroc lab) was co-first author on Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing through Reactive Sulfur Species (RSS) and Nitroxyl (HNO) in Enterococcus faecalis,  a paper published in ACS Chemical Biology in April 2018.

Peglow Award Recipient

January 15, 2018

Brady Strittmatter (Hollenhorst lab) received the Peglow Award for outstanding performance in the Biochemistry Preliminary Examination. Congratulations Brady!

Strittmatter Publication

October 25, 2017

Brady Strittmatter (Hollenhorst lab) was second author on a paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Phosphorylation of the oncogenic transcription factor ERG in prostate cells dissociates polycomb repressive complex 2 allowing target gene activation, published in September 2017.