QCB Journal Club

The training faculty and one more senior QCB trainee (post-candidacy, post-fellowship support) host QCB Journal Club (C689; 1 cr), a student-led seminar course open to all students and postdocs in trainer laboratories. Second- and third-year students must be registered for credit as part of the curricular requirements of the QCB training program.

In a typical semester, C689 is split up into four sessions, each organized by a different faculty member. For Spring 2025 schedule of classes, see below.  Effective Fall 2020, we added formal sessions on Reproducibility and Rigor, organized by the course coordinator.

Spring 2025

Instructor Topic  Dates
Prof. Heather Hundley
Prof. Marc Morais   
Prof. Ricardo Vázquez   
Emily Erdman (Hundley Lab)   
Prof. Malcolm Winkler